We Handle Cases In Front of All 40 Licensing Agencies in California
When your career is on the line due to an investigation or formal accusation, be very careful. Licensing actions risk your license, your reputation, and your career. It is key to protect yourself and get a California professional license defense lawyers who understand licensing law and how to skillfully resolve your case.
If you have been contacted by a California licensing board, Department of Consumer Affairs investigator or are facing a criminal charge or investigation, our law offices can help you immediately.
We handle cases in front of all 40 California licensing agencies including all health care professionals, businesses, accountants, contractors, and engineers. We also handle DEA, FBI, and U.S. Department of Justice matters involving licensed professionals.

Compassionate license defense lawyers focused on you
If you are a medical, nursing, dental, or other licensed professional facings disciplinary action, investigation, or accusation by a licensing board, give us a call. You can depend on us to vigorously defend you and help minimize exposure to disciplinary actions.
You can rest assured we understand your situation and are 100% focused on protecting you and your license. We do not judge, we are only here to help.