Find an Administrative Law Practice in Newport Beach, CA

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Dealing with a government agency can be a scary and intimidating situation for anyone to undergo. If you own a business or simply find yourself up against a big government agency, the best course of action is to find an attorney with administrative law experience to handle your case.

Getting the right help in an expedient manner can be the difference between winning or losing a case. Let’s take a quick look at administrative law in Newport Beach and Santa Ana, CA and go over how it could impact your life.

Who Needs an Administrative Law Attorney?

A person will typically deal with administrative law issues when they are applying for government benefits or facing a business fine from an agency like the Department of Labor or the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), just to name a couple.

The key to success when dealing with such issues is to find an attorney who specializes in the field and has the experience and ability to represent your interests to the fullest extent, and not doing so could result in a person losing their government benefits or facing huge fines or penalties. The United States government has over 100 administrative agencies working under its umbrella, so don’t sell yourself short by not obtaining the best legal representation you can find.

Get the Help You Need Today

At Ginger Kelley law, our team specializes in administrative law in Newport Beach, CA and our goal is to represent your interests with the utmost care and due diligence. If you have been denied government benefits, have a fine, or another issue that could impact your business; do not hesitate to contact us. Let us handle these stressful legal situations while you continue to enjoy life and run your business. We look forward to working with you.